Questions & Answers

Paper Writing, Submission & Presentation

How long should the presentation of a CoRe or WiP paper be?
  • CoRe papers: 15 minutes presentation + 10 minutes discussion (25 minutes slot)
  • WiP papers: 10 minutes presentation + 5 minutes discussion (15 minutes slot)
Are there any instructions for the presentation of a CoRe or a WiP-paper?
  • Presentation Timing: Verify your presentation slot on the conference program page to confirm the time and location.
  • Arrival Time: Please arrive at the designated room at least 15 minutes prior to your session’s start time.
  • Presentation Format: Bring your presentation on a USB drive (standard USB format, not USB-C) in PPT, PPTX, or preferably PDF format. Alternatively, you may use your own device, provided it has a standard HDMI connection or an adapter.
  • Time Allotment: Ensure to manage your presentation within the allocated times; CoRe presentations should last 15 minutes with an additional 10 minutes for questions, while WiP presentations should last 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes for questions.
  • Remote Presenters: Specific details for remote presentations will be provided to you shortly.
Where can I find the updated template for CoRe or a WiP-paper?
What is the difference between a CoRe- and a WiP-paper?
CoRe stands for Completed Research. CoRe-papers are longer in length (4000-8000 words) and describe completed research studies. WiP stands for Work in Progress. They are shorter (3000-6000 words) and meant to describe smaller, more focused research findings or research that is still in progress. Both of these paper types undergo a rigorous peer-review process and will be archived in the ISCRAM digital library. Please note that the submission deadline for CoRe-papers is earlier than for WiP-papers (see deadlines here).
Will there be an option to hand in a practitioner paper instead of a CoRe- or WiP-paper?
We strongly encourage practitioners to participate in our community. Therefore, in our Track 17 – Practitioner Track, we ask practitioners to submit proposals for talks and presentations that foster discussions between practitioners and academics or that provide interesting insights from the practitioners’ point of view. Nevertheless, a full-length paper is not required – only a short abstract describing the idea should be submitted. More information about the Call for Practitioner Talks here.
Is it allowed to use generative AI software tools (such as ChatGPT) when writing my paper?
ISCRAM 2024 follows the generative AI policy of the Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), which states that:

  • If you are using generative AI software tools such as ChatGPT, Jasper, AI-Writer, Lex, or other similar tools to generate new content such as text, images, tables, code, etc. you must disclose their use in either the acknowledgements section of the Work or elsewhere in the Work prominently. The level of disclosure should be commensurate with the proportion of new text or content generated by these tools.
  • If entire sections of a Work, including tables, graphs, images, and other content were generated by one of these tools, you should disclose which sections and which tools and tool versions you used to generate those sections by preparing an Appendix or a Supplementary Material document that describes the use, including but not limited to the specific tools and versions, the text of the prompts provided as input, and any post-generation editing (such as rephrasing the generated text). Authors should also note that the amount or type of generated text allowable may vary depending on the type of the section or paper affected. For example, using such tools to generate portions of a Related Work section is fundamentally different than generating novel results or interpretations.
  • If the amount of text being generated is small (limited to phrases or sentences), then it would be sufficient to add a footnote to the relevant section of the submission utilizing the system(s) and include a general disclaimer in the Acknowledgements section.
  • If you are using generative AI software tools to edit and improve the quality of your existing text in much the same way you would use a typing assistant like Grammarly to improve spelling, grammar, punctuation, clarity, engagement or to use a basic word processing system to correct spelling or grammar, it is not necessary to disclose such usage of these tools in your Work.

(Source: https://www.acm.org/publications/policies/frequently-asked-questions)

Where can I find more information about the APA-style for references, e.g., how to cite online resources?
Please take a look at the the APA-style guidelines and examples. On this page you will find an extensive list of examples to help you find the right way to cite.


Where can I find information about the registration rates?
Can I get a discount for registering early?
Yes. You will get a discount for registering early. There will an Early-Bird-Registration, a Regular-Registration and a Late-Registration. Click here for more information on the registration rates and deadlines.
What is included in my cost of registration?
Your registration grants you access to the conference locations and to all special events (such as the Gala Dinner). The fee includes all meals as well as a budget of drinks. Not included are the costs for accommodation and breakfast. This must be booked separately by you. You can use our overview of hotels presented at the Venue & Accommodation page.
I will not be presenting any work at the conference. May I attend the event?
Yes. You are welcome to register and attend the conference and social events without having submitted a presentation or paper, etc.


I have registered for the conference, but I am no longer able to attend it. What should I do?
Please write an email to iscram2024@ercis.org as early as possible. There will be a deadline for cancellation where the entire registration fee will be refunded. After that there will be only a partial or no refund. Click here for more information.
Where will I be staying?
There is no dedicated conference hotel. You can use our overview of hotels presented at the Venue & Accommodation page or book a hotel of your choice via a different booking portal.

Conference Programme

Where can I see, when which session will be presented?
You can view the detailed conference programme including the information about the sessions here.
Which conference dates are the most important?
In general, May 27th to 29th are the main conference days, when research papers, keynotes, panel discussions and posters will be presented. If you will be presenting, please watch for your timeslot in our conference program, which we will publish before the conference, and make sure to be there. Prior to this, on Sunday, May 26th, there will be the doctoral colloquium as well as the workshops. On Saturday, May 25th, there will be a pre-conference social in the evening.


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